AAAAHHH!!! Paris Internationale art fair
October 19-23, 2022

Matthieu Palud
Untitled, 2022, acrylic on canvas, 185x130cm
Matthieu Palud
Untitled, 2021, acrylic on canvas, 170x130cm

Mona Varichon
2K19 Weather Diaries, ou Météo du monde d’avant, 2022,
HD video, color, stereo sound

Clio Sze To
Pigeon, 2021, watercolor on silk, 28x19cm

Clio Sze To
Voisine, 2021, watercolor on silk, 28x19cm

Malak El Zanaty Varichon
Ready to go...., 2007-2013, collages, around 70x50cm each :
Ready to go far east
Ready to go back in time
Ready to go fly
Ready to go think
Ready to go fly away
Ready to go overnight